Student Profile – Caroline Rose

April 25th, 2018

In Step With . . .Caroline Rose

Ten-year-old Caroline Rose came to Master Shim’s World Class Tae Kwon Do in February 2017 for Bring A Friend Week … and she never left. She was honored as the 2017 Student of the Year, is currently a part of the Demo Team, and has won numerous gold medals in tournaments. The Fayetteville location is like her second home.


Caroline is thriving in an activity she enjoys. But for her mother, Bethany Clark, this experience means so much more. “We have seen so many changes in Caroline’s self-esteem and confidence.  She now speaks with such confidence to everyone and believes in herself,” Bethany states.

Here’s a look at February’s featured student, Caroline Rose.


What is your belt level?

I just tested for Black Belt.


What issues has Tae Kwon Do helped you overcome?

Tae Kwon Do helped me with being bullied by someone I thought was a friend.


Why do you enjoy Tae Kwon Do?

I love Tae Kwon Do because we do fun exercises and strengthen ourselves. You also make new friends in classes.


What has Tae Kwon Do taught you?

We learn how to defend ourselves.


You were recognized as Student of the Year. What does that honor mean to you?

It not only shows me, but (also) the Masters how dedicated I am to Tae Kwon Do. I’ve worked really hard and I continue to practice every day.


Camp Fun in the Summertime

April 23rd, 2018

Camp Fun in the Summertime

Lazy days at the beach. Trips to the park and the playground. Taking time to lounge and read a book. The carefree days of summer will soon be upon us. While the kids will no doubt enjoy some down time, they may soon crave a little activity to keep them, well, active. Enter summer camps. Combining mental, emotional and sometimes physical benefits, summer camp can be the perfect outlet for your child.


Summer camp can bring children from different neighborhoods, ages and socio-economic backgrounds together. It is the perfect opportunity to learn how to socially interact with interesting people from all walks of life. Children can become more adept at communicating and participation with a wider group of people. Perhaps, among children they don’t see on a daily basis, your child may have the opportunity to exhibit more leadership skills that may be hidden among their normal group of friends.


Depending upon the type of camp your child is attending, they can develop greater skills of responsibility and resourcefulness as well. Camps may require them to take on certain tasks, find ways to solve problems, and address specific issues. Their team or group may depend upon them to get their part done. And because it won’t have the stigma of being schoolwork, it may be viewed as a more fun or challenging endeavor.


Along those lines, your child can learn a new skill. Again, cloaked in fun and summer activities, they won’t even realize that some actual education has taken place.


This list is by no means exhaustive. With camps featuring everything from computer skills to cooking, dance to martial arts, the list of additional benefits is endless. In fact, Master Shim’s World Class Tae Kwon Do offers a summer camp experience like no other. Filled with activities, learning and field trips, it’s sure to bring delight to them – and you. Stay tuned to for all the camp details.

The Art of Competition

April 20th, 2018

The Art of Competition

Everybody is a winner.

Countless parents use that mantra to encourage their children, when it comes to competition. After all, it can be difficult for children to experience loss, or not capture first place. But competition is definitely not all negative. In fact, good, healthy competition can be beneficial for children physically, mentally and emotionally.


Physically, children can learn new skills, and want to improve upon them. The person who wins a competition did something right – leading to the victory. If your child is not the victor, what a great starting point for lessons they can learn and grow from.


Mentally, your child can learn to win – and lose – gracefully. A winner who doesn’t handle their success gracefully is not enjoyable to be around. Conversely, a sore loser is just that – a sore loser. Competition provides the opportunity to learn how to handle both situations.


Emotionally, competition can improve your child’s self-esteem. Just having the sense of accomplishment can make a world of difference to a child. Completing a task, finishing a game, or entering a contest can be a positive goal they’ve met and completed.


In addition to considering these valuable points for your child’s next competition, you can see them in action. Don’t miss Master Shim’s 12th Annual World Class Open Championship on Saturday, April 28. Visit for more information.

Instructor Spotlight – Kiana Herod

April 18th, 2018

Kiana Herod is Captain of the Demo Team, an Instructor at the Peachtree City location, a member of the Poomsae team, and was the 2012 Student of the Year. On two occasions she won third place in national competition. Yet with all of her achievements, what she loves about Tae Kwon Do is the way it has helped to shape her character. “I will always stay humble, try my best to help others and cherish every moment through my journey,” she states, adding that it has been a “life-changing experience.”

While she actively participates in judo, jiu-jitsu, krav maga, boxing and gymnastics, Tae Kwon Do holds a special place for her. Here’s more about this month’s instructor profile, Kiana Herod.

What is your belt level?
I just tested for 4th Dan

How long have you been doing Tae Kwon Do? Why did you start?
Six years. I grew up watching martial arts movies. I was curious about learning different martial arts and then I found MSWCTKD. I have passion for Tae Kwon Do now.

What made you select Master Shim's for your Tae Kwon Do lessons?
I saw a few classes before I signed up and I loved the energy along with the passion from all the Masters at the time.

Did you have any problems/issues that Tae Kwon Do helped you overcome?
Yes, I was bullied at a young age and Tae Kwon Do has helped me become more unafraid. Also, it helped when I tore my ACL because I had to persevere through it.

What has Tae Kwon Do done for your confidence?
I have become more confident and more responsible by becoming an instructor and student.

Why do you like Tae Kwon Do?
It’s not only about knowing self-defense, but also to become more respectful and understanding to others.

Why would you tell others that it is fun to do?
Because it can help you achieve your goals and you can meet new people.

April is National Autism Month

April 16th, 2018

National Autism Month

April is National Autism Awareness Month. The goal of the month is to educate and build awareness about autism. notes that as of 2014, more than 3.5 million Americans live with an autism spectrum disorder. And the severity of symptoms can vary greatly along that spectrum. Having a month of national awareness can highlight the difficulties and challenges many people with autism face, in hopes of creating ways to help. One of the ways can be Tae Kwon Do.


  • Tae Kwon Do helps to nurture social skills. As children are learning new skills and trying them out, they are often partnered with another child in class. The comradery of practicing, taking part in the same activity, can help children feel more comfortable in sharing with others.
  • It can also foster confidence. Any child can experience a surge in self-esteem, especially when learning to conquer new moves.
  • Tae Kwon Do contains a lot of repetitive behaviors, which can also be the case with children on the autism spectrum. It can be beneficial for the child to have that trait work to his or her advantage.
  • Motor skills can be greatly developed while practicing Tae Kwon Do. Learning the specific movements necessary to participate in the sport can enhance those skills greatly.

Blog Challenge!

April 15th, 2018

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles did it. So did Michael Jai White and Ralph Macchio. You can also include Jaden Smith, along with Po, a giant animated Panda. What great feat was their accomplishment? They starred in a movie that included martial arts.
It’s fun to watch this art of grace, strength, determination and agility play out on screen. Whether it’s Tae Kwon Do, Kung Fu, or Karate, the action and adventure manage to intrigue and delight audiences.

In honor of the fact that we live in the Hollywood of South, we’d love to know, what is your favorite martial arts film? Tell us, and a prize could be waiting for you!

The rules are simple.
- “Like” our Facebook page. (
- Comment on this post on Facebook, with your favorite martial arts film.
- Get friends to “Like” your post.
- The post with the most “Likes” by Saturday, April 28th, will win a prize!

Final decisions are at the sole discretion of Master Shim’s World Class Tae Kwon Do. Can’t wait to hear from you!

Creative Ways to Say I Love You

February 8th, 2018

Hello February! Along with the lingering potential for snow, cold weather, warm fires and hot chocolate, February also brings … Valentine’s Day. And with the holiday can come pressure to find a gift that is memorable. Flowers and candy are the traditional tried and true options. But how about something unique? Something different? Something exciting? How about an activity where you can both have fun, with the added bonus of it being good for you? I’m talking about sharing the gift that keeps on giving … the gift of Tae Kwon Do!

Master Shim’s makes the gift of health, vitality, activity and fun an easy one to share. Here are just a few reasons why Tae Kwon Do classes are a great way to show someone you care:

- Instead of giving something sugary and fattening, you’re providing a gift that benefits the mind, body and spirit.
- It’s a great activity for couples, as well as the whole family. Family night classes provide an opportunity to enrich your time together.
- The practical component of learning self-defense techniques really lets someone know you are concerned about their safety and well-being.
- You can save money and try it for free. It’s the perfect way to know if it’s right for you. Sign up for a free trial at:

Also a special treat . . . if you’re a student, bring someone to the Special Friend Classes February 14-17. And if you know someone who’s always talking about what a fantastic time they have at Tae Kwon Do, let them know you want to check it out!

Show your love this holiday with this unique gift.

Did You Know?

January 28th, 2018

Tae Kwon Do is an exciting sport of skill, forms and techniques. While there are other forms of martial arts, Tae Kwon Do is unique in it origins, and the rewarding experience it offers. Here are a few interesting and historical facts about this engaging sport:

-Tae Kwon Do originiated in Korea, and is the national sport of South Korea.
-The literal translation of "Tae Kwon Do" is "way of the hand and foot."
-It is an Olympic sport! Tae Kwon Do was introduced as a sports event in the Olympics in 1976, by the International Military Sports Council.
-South Korea has been the most successful nation in Olympic Tae Kwon Do.
-In 2016, the Olympic catefories for both men and women included: Flyweight, Featherweight, Middleweight, and Heavyweight.
-World Taekwondo (WT) is the largest tournament organization in the world. It is based in South Korea.
-The oldest governing body for Tae Kwon Do is the Korea Taekwondo Association (KTA).
-There are six general belt colors in Tae Kwon Do - white, yellow, green, blue, red, and black.
-Tae Kwon Do commands are typically given in the Korean language.
-Ranks in Tae Kwon Do typically include junior, senior or student, teacher.

Taking That First Step

January 19th, 2018

“Faith is taking the first step, even when you don’t see the whole staircase.”

  • Martin Luther King Jr.


What first step have you taken in 2018? Are you writing that book? Mending a broken friendship? Planning an international trip? Taking up a new hobby?


Maybe it’s time … time to see yourself as you never have before. Time to pursue an interest, learn a new sport, challenge yourself. New year, new focus, new you!


Tae Kwon Do can bring that new excitement you’re seeking in 2018. In addition to tackling something new physically, Tae Kwon Do teaches and reinforces several valuable tenets for life:

  • Courtesy (Ye Ui)
  • Integrity (Yom Chi)
  • Perseverance (In Nae)
  • Self-Control (Guk Gi)
  • Indomitable Spirit (Baekjul Boolgool)


Just a reminder that you can still take advantage of a free Tae Kwon Do trial at:


Start a new adventure today.

In Step With. . .Mr. David Kim

January 15th, 2018


Mr. Kim has been doing Tae Kwon Do for over a decade; the last 6-7 years have been as an instructor. His desire to get involved with martial arts, and wanting to be more involved with his heritage, led him to Tae Kwon Do. It has helped build him up mentally, and physically. “It is one of the best exercises for me, because it does everything from cardio to building muscles,” he states.


Here’s a look at January’s featured instructor, Mr. David Kim.


At which location are you an instructor? 

I am an instructor at the Peachtree City location.


What is your belt level?

I am a 3rd dan black belt.


What issues has Tae Kwon Do helped you overcome?

The biggest thing it helped me with was a confidence issue, and self-esteem.


What has Tae Kwon Do done for your confidence and self-esteem?

It has helped it by a ton and made me able to express myself better.


What are some of your Tae Kwon Do accomplishments and things you have achieved?

I have been a part of the demo team and I am now the coach for demo team. I was a part of the first black belt testing group.


What changes have you seen in students who take Tae Kwon Do? Why would you recommend it to others?

I see a greater self-confidence and more focus overall from most of the kids. I would recommend it for those reasons.