Taking That First Step
“Faith is taking the first step, even when you don’t see the whole staircase.”
- Martin Luther King Jr.
What first step have you taken in 2018? Are you writing that book? Mending a broken friendship? Planning an international trip? Taking up a new hobby?
Maybe it’s time … time to see yourself as you never have before. Time to pursue an interest, learn a new sport, challenge yourself. New year, new focus, new you!
Tae Kwon Do can bring that new excitement you’re seeking in 2018. In addition to tackling something new physically, Tae Kwon Do teaches and reinforces several valuable tenets for life:
- Courtesy (Ye Ui)
- Integrity (Yom Chi)
- Perseverance (In Nae)
- Self-Control (Guk Gi)
- Indomitable Spirit (Baekjul Boolgool)
Just a reminder that you can still take advantage of a free Tae Kwon Do trial at: https://atlantatkd.com/beginners-martial-arts-classes-program/
Start a new adventure today.