Save Now … Thankful Later

Just last month, we saw an end come to the longest United States government shutdown in history. While we’re thankful that it’s over, it definitely highlighted the need to learn how to live frugally and make smart financial decisions. Whether saving for your next vacation, a new house, a new car or your child’s education, it’s important to know how to make money-wise decisions.


  • Always have an emergency fund. Ideally, you want to have 3-6 months of living expenses saved. But don’t let that figure deter you. Start where you can. Some savings is better than none at all.
  • Cut down on unnecessary expenses. We all like to splurge every once in a while. But daily lattes may be a habit you can curb, for the greater good of your wallet.
  • Find avenues of passive income. Get your money working for you. Whether it’s a side job that doesn’t require a great deal of your focus and energy, or an investment that pays healthy dividends, this additional money stream can come in very handy in a pinch.
  • Clear clutter. Sell items in good condition. If you haven’t touched it in months, do you really still need it? Or is it unnecessarily occupying space? If you aren’t able to sell it, perhaps making a donation and receiving a tax write off is the way to go.


Preparation time is never wasted time. Prepare now for what could come later.