A Healthy Start to 2019

Happy New Year! January is the perfect time to start new things, take advantage of new opportunities, and explore new options. One of the most important options you can explore is getting on track with your health. With holiday eating now set aside, it’s time to once again get focused on eating, and living, right. Although at some point we’ve all received information on healthy lifestyle choices, reminders are always helpful.


Eat Right

Nutrition is paramount. Choosemyplate.gov is just one of many websites that can help you determine what you should eat, and how much of it, for your size and weight. You can also visit a nutritionist to get more customized results. A proper diet helps you stay trim, fit and full of energy.



In today’s overscheduled society, rest is usually last on the list. In actuality, it deserves a lot more attention. Webmd.com notes that among other negative effects, impaired concentration, symptoms of depression and even sallow skin can all be caused by not getting enough sleep.


Decrease Stress

Delegate some tasks. Say no to yet another event. When you get home from work, don’t answer work emails. These are just a few ways to decrease stress. Operating at a high level of stress can ultimately have detrimental consequences.



Activity and movement are essential to maintaining good health. There is no limit to the ways you can implement exercise into your routine. From running to team sports, cycling to working out at the gym, there’s a method for everyone. Tae Kwon Do can also be added to the list.  Punching, kicking, core-strengthening exercises and stretches can be a part of a typical Tae Kwon Do class, helping you build stamina and strength.


You can start your journey to a healthier you right away. Sign up for trial classes at Master Shim’s World Class Tae Kwon Do, and enjoy all the benefits the sport has to offer. Visit https://atlantatkd.com/beginners-martial-arts-classes-program/ for more details.