Bowing and Its Purpose
Bowing is a form of body language in Asian countries. A bow can be used to say “hello”, “good‑bye”, “thank you”, and “you’re welcome”. Bowing is also a way of showing courtesy and acceptance. When two people bow to each other they are showing mutual respect.
Traditionally, Tae Kwon Do students demonstrate respect by bowing to the flags before entering or leaving the training floor, to the instructor, to senior belts at the beginning and the end of class, and to a partner before and after each interaction. It is a part of Tae Kwon Do to bow whenever and wherever you see each other.
Over time, you will find that bowing has become a natural form of expressing the special relationship you have with your fellow Tae Kwon Doists.
How to Bow
1. The student stands at attention, head up, shoulders down, back straight, relaxed.
2. Either both feet are together, or the heels are touching and the toes are pointing outward at a 45 degree angle, in a V-shape.
3. The hands should be held straight at the sides of the body.
4. Bend the head down to a 45 degree angle and bend deeply at the waist.
5. When bowing, one’s eyes look downward.