Goodbye & Thank You, Jhoon Rhee

Grandmaster Jhoon Rhee is the legendary martial artist who introduced Tae Kwon Do to the United States more than half a century ago. Widely regarded as the “Father of American Tae Kwon Do”, Grandmaster Rhee passed away at the end of April. The 86-year-old left a legacy that profoundly impacted martial arts in this country today.


Ranked a 10th-Degree black belt, he began training in martial arts at age 13. In 1962, Grandmaster Rhee opened the first U.S.-based martial arts studio in Washington, DC. Over time, he eventually expanded to 11 studios in the metro DC area.


In 2007, Grandmaster Rhee was inducted into the Tae Kwon Do Hall of Fame. He is listed there as both the “Pioneer of American Tae Kwon Do” and the “Pioneer of Tae Kwon Do in Russia”.


Ahnyonghee Ka Ship Sheeyo & Kam Sahm Needa, Grandmaster Jhoon Rhee.